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January 31, 2008


Brandon Price

Just found your site by looking at template-based photography site hosts...your work is absolutely amazing! I love your "Lifestyle" portfolio.

I've also enjoy browsing through your blog...I like how there is so much variety to it...I've added you to my list of feeds to keep up with.

Question about that card: I went to American Express and the very same card you mentioned says it comes with "No Annual Fee" and doesn't mention anything about those "pluses." I know I'm missing something somewhere, but I can't find it. Could you possibly give a link, or a number to call to find out more?


J Sandfier


erich camping

Amex is sweet! One of my favorite companies. I had this card for two years, and really never used all the benefits. I found the JetBlue Amex worked way better for me, due to my location in the country. http://www.jetblue.com/about/corptravel/about_corpOpenBusiness.html
You are totally smart to post this! Every photographer should have one of these in their pocket!

Chris Humphreys

Hey Brandon!

Try this...


Brian Khang

Darn, I have this card.. how did I miss this? Thanks for posting this Chris.


Great tip!! We use AMEX in our business already, but this card's perks are definitely worth the fee. Sweet!! Thanks!

Stacy Reeves

Hmm, that's strange.. On their website it says no annual fee.


Maybe that is something different? Thanks for the info, though!

David Wittig

I'm a big fan of Amex cards. Have you received your companion certificates? I'm curious because it used to be that they only applied to tickets booked in "full fare economy" class (which almost no one does). If they have changed this, its really a fantastic deal for couples.

Two other cards to keep in mind are their SPG card, which is the absolute best in terms of accumulating miles (1.25 miles per dollar), and their Delta one is a pretty close second (they ran a lot of 2x1 and 3x1 mileage specials on it).



ooooh ooh, good stuff man!

mike larson

this card is sweet, i have one and they are insanely cool, good on your for sharing this!

CharMaine Beleele

Hi, Chris!
Just a note to say HOWDY from your writer friend at Rangefinder Magazine. I've kept an eye on you and you've be blooming and growing at a wonderful rate! Take a minute and tell me what's new, okay? Maybe tell me THREE NEW THINGS!
And also, inquiring minds want to know if my personal writing and interviewing, for you helped you in any way. Are you going to WPPI this year? I hope so--I'll get you a latte or a merlot and we could chat. I am a speaker for the first time, in such a large forum. I have a masters class in --you could guess this! WORDS MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I call it SWAT--for Speaking, Writing And Teaching (about photography.) Check it out at WPPI online.
This post comes with all my best wishes for 2008! Smiles from CharMaine



Complimentary Domestic Companion Airfare(1). OPEN from American Express is offering a new Domestic Companion Airfare Program that allows Card members to receive a complimentary companion airfare when they take a business associate, friend or family member on a Coach Class flight to and from any of the 50 United States. Business Platinum Card members can enjoy this benefit up to four times each year.


Complimentary ticket must have the same itinerary with departure and return on the same flights as the paid ticket, and is subject to all government fees, taxes, charges.

Fares lower than $299.00 and $899.00, respectively, do not qualify for this offer.

Companion travel award limited to domestic coach class round-trip fares only.

Reservations require a minimum seven (7) day advance purchase and a Saturday or two-night stay at your destination.


some more info:

Free 3 Credit Reports

There are a lots of card companies sending out cc's to people or business owners. Not all are attracted to this credit card for some reasons like annual fees and hidden charges

Best Credit Cards in Australia

Their are tons of great credit card offers sent on email. But the sad thing on it despite of the fabulous offers, most people don't tend to open when they see from the title itself that it was another credit card offer.

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